Porsche Dream Giveaway

Donations Are Tax Deductible To The Fullest Extent Of The Law

Watch how your donations to win Dream Giveaway prizes, help make a real difference to these national charities.

Winning the 2014 Corvette Dream Giveaway gave me the chance to do things I otherwise wouldn't be able to do if I hadn't won the money. Thomas Bever
Winning the 2015 Home Improvement Dream Giveaway changed my life considerably. We were able to do quite a bit of work on our house including putting on a new roof, adding new flooring, and buying some new furniture Barry Kennedy
It is a pretty cool deal to be able to look at both cars everyday in the garage that I built for them. I don’t drive the new Mustang very often but it is fun to do a burnout with it every once in awhile. Timothy Millard

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